
How to Freeze Squash

Now that spring has sprung and summer is quickly approaching our lovely squash plants are blooming and producing like they should. So we will have more squash that we can stand to eat. What do you do with all those extra squash? Well, there’s a solution… You can freeze squash!

When you find yourself with extra fresh squash, don’t toss them out- freeze them. Later on when you are ready to cook them pop them out of the freezer and your ready to go. It’s a great way to have squash in the fall and winter when your squash plants are no longer producing. Check out Freezing Squash: How to Freeze Squash for step-by-step instructions. It’s simple, quick and well worth it!

Aside from freezing squash to preserve them for later, you can also freeze squash for frying. That’s right you can flour them up prior to freezing then when you are ready for fried squash take a few out and pop them straight into some hot grease! Yummy!

freezing squash

How to Freeze Yellow Squash

Tutorial: Freezing Squash

Growing Your Own Squash

There’s nothing like going out and picking fresh squash from the garden. The thought of fresh picked, fried squash makes my mouth-water… which is pretty surprising that I don’t eat many veggies. I prefer to grow squash from seed because it’s easy, cheap and I can assure I’m getting the best quality.

This year I planted a tray of squash and sent a few home with my dad. I usually go with crookneck but this year I picked up straight-neck by accident and everyone loved them. Here is a photo of the 7 plants he planted. He picks from them daily.

My Daddy’s Squash Plants…

If you are debating on whether to buy squash plants or grow your own I would suggest to grow your own. You can get a pack of squash seeds for $1-2 and have 30 or so plants. Give them away or plant them all. If you want to learn how to grow your own squash from seed check out How to Grow Squash from Seed.

Quick & Easy Fried Squash Recipe

  1. Cut squash into thin slices
  2. Lightly salt and pepper
  3. Flour Squash and shake of the excess
  4. Deep fry (or pan fry with about 1 inch of oil) on medium-high  or about 325 degrees F,  heat until flour is golden brown.  2-5 minutes depending on how thick you cut them.

I prefer to cut mine about 2-3 mm thick as I like them crispy. Some prefer them thicker, say, half a centimeter. I like my crispy because I can’t do the texture… As stated before I don’t eat many veggies. However, you give me a crispy-fried squash and I will show you how to go to town on it.